Hollywood or History? An Inquiry Based Approach for Using Comic Based Stories to Teach Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
(Emerald Publishing, in press); Co-editor: Adam Zoeller
Pickwick, 2024
Framed within the lens of Robert Greenleaf’s Servant Leadership model,Truth and Reconciliation examines and explores trends through global historical accounts and examples of diplomatic leadership surrounding the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions of South Africa and Canada, as a guide to approach America’s divided identity and racial tensions. It is the hope that this manuscript will offer insights as well as a theological lens for reflection to approach a nonviolent narrative-based option of seeking truth and the first steps toward reconciliation, beyond cyclic ideologies.
“This book offers a novel approach to discuss, explore, and create first steps to address deep-seated injustices in America.”
—Jerry Abramson, former director, White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs (2014–17)
"This book is rich in its analysis of history and Scripture and perceptive in its diagnosis of contemporary challenges. Truth and Reconciliation is an exciting new resource for anyone looking to understand our present challenges and to make progress toward a better future."
- David Golemboski, associate professor of government and international affairs, Augustana University
Information Age, 2023
Co-editor: Adam Zoeller
In response to the problems and possibilities associated with teaching through film, we are developing a collection of practical, classroom-ready lesson ideas that might bridge gaps between theory and practice and assist teachers endeavoring to make effective use of film in their classrooms. We believe that film can serve as a powerful tool in the social studies classroom and, where appropriately utilized, foster critical thinking and civic mindedness. The NCSS College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) framework, represents a renewed and formalized emphasis on the perennial social studies goals of deep thinking, reading and writing. Our hope is that this edited book might play a small role in the larger project of supporting practitioners, specifically 6-12 teachers of social studies and world religion content, by offering a collection of classroom-ready tools based on the Hollywood or History? strategy and designed to foster inquiry through the careful use of selected motion pictures and television productions.
Chapters include lessons pertaining to the roots, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and controversial or significant people or events related to: The Abrahamic Religions, Eastern Religions/Philosophies, Indigenous Religions/Spirituality
Wipf & Stock, 2020
Foreword by: Thomas del Prete
(2021) First Place Book Award: Pastoral Ministry – Youth & Young Adult, Catholic Media Association (CMA)
Through scholarship and practice this book explores how the life and writings of Thomas Merton may serve as a guide and bridge for ministers of adolescents, and will offer some practical suggestions for minsters, educators, and parents on topics affecting contemporary adolescents, through the lens of Thomas Merton's life and writings.
"Dr. Malewitz includes Merton’s letters and communication with adolescents, which illustrate Merton’s ability to listen, enter into dialogue, and communicate an understanding of the true self always seeking God. This is a must-read for the minister who seeks to form well the adolescents entrusted to his or her care.”
- Joseph E. Kurtz, Archbishop of Louisville
"Writing from many years of hands-on experience in the classroom, along with his profound reading of Merton, Thomas Malewitz provides an excellent roadmap for Christian educators to incorporate, indeed immerse, their adolescent curricula in the timeless and prescient wisdom of Thomas Merton.”
- Paul M. Pearson, Director, Thomas Merton Center
CH 15: There’s always room for a goon in the life of the absurd
An exploration of the lyrics of Zevon in the lens of the existential/philosophical writings of Albert Camus and Franz Kafka
In J. MacKinnon's (Ed.) Warren Zevon and Philosophy: Beyond Reptile Wisdom (Carus Publishing, 2023)
CH 4: The order of the soul: Leonard Cohen’s pneumatological vision
A theological reflection of Cohen's album The Future (1992) and the use of imagery of the Spirit throughout the album
In C. Raab's (Ed.)Walk the Line: Rock Music and the Christian Imagination (New City Press, 2023)
CH 1 Unity and Community: Big Hero 6 and Paul of Tarsus’s Vision of the Body of Christ
CH 4 The Nature of the 10 Plagues Against Egypt and the Egyptian Gods
CH 7 Understanding the Effects of Residential Schools and Initial Steps of Reconciliation
CH 8 In the Face of Martyrdom: Testing the Bedrock of Faith
CH 9 Guidance on Non-Violence: “Gandhi”, Living for Change Through Faith
CH 12 “Of Gods and Men”: On Hospitality and Interreligious Dialogue
CH 14 Exorcism, Healings, and Mercy: The Role of the Holy Fool and Prophet in The Island
CH 15 Exploring the Egyptian Book of the Dead: Weighing of the Heart Ceremony
CH 16 The Camino de Santiago: Pilgrimage as a Devotion of Cultural Awareness and Personal Renewal
CH 19 Wisdom Literature and the Power of the Poetic Word
In T. Malewitz & A. Zoeller's (Eds.)
Hollywood or History? An Inquiry-Based Strategy for Using Film to Teach World Religions. (Information Age Publishing, 2023)
CH 14: No soy de aquí ni soy de allá: Using multiple methods to share stories that address the cultural diaspora of American Individualism for Latino students.
Using authors such as Helena Maria Viramontes, Gabriel Garcia-Marquez, and Jorge Luis Borges, this chapter provides an understanding of how magical realism in Latino literature can be a conduit to understanding the natural harmony between humanity, creativity, and social change.
In G. Liem & D. McInerney's (Eds.) Promoting Motivation and Learning in Contexts: Sociocultural Perspectives on Educational Interventions (Information Age Publishing, 2020)
Co-author: Adam Zoeller
Tolkien’s allegory: Using Peter Jackson’s vision of fellowship to illuminate male adolescent Catholic education.
Journal of Catholic Education 22(1), 66-83.
From the Mountain to the Cross: Revisiting 1968 through the prophetic words of King, Kennedy, Chavez and Merton.
The Merton Annual 31, 56-66.
Co-author: Beatriz Pacheco
Living Solidarity: Helping students with
learning differences develop dignity for all humanity.
Journal of Catholic Education 20(1), 324-332.
Who am I? Why am I here?
Revisiting Renewing the Vision and contemporary challenges of Catholic adolescents – with possible solutions.
Momentum XLIV(4), 23-25
Mining Memories of Merton: Review of Jon Sweeney’s (Ed.) Awake and Alive: Thomas Merton According to His Novices (Orbis, 2022).
Merton Seasonal 48(1), 27-28.
Chapter Tests
In Encountering Jesus in the New Testament (Student Text) [Third Edition]
(Ave Maria Press, 2021)
Chapter Tests
In The Old Testament (Student Text) [Third Edition]
(Ave Maria Press, 2021)
Review of William Meyer’s Three Breaths and Begin: A Guide to Meditation in the
Classroom (New World Library, 2019).
The Merton Annual 33, 284-287.
"Chapter Assignment" Rubrics
In Your Christian Vocation (Teacher’s Manual)
(Ave Maria Press, 2020)
"Chapter Assignment" Rubrics
In The History of the Catholic Church (Teacher’s Manual)
(Ave Maria Press, 2019)
No One is an Island: Student Experiences of a Catholic High School Curriculum Response to Bullying, Based on Themes from the Writings of Thomas Merton.
(2019) Drs. Robert and Kathleen Cooter Social Justice Advocate Dissertation Award
College of Education: Bellarmine University
Louisville, KY
"Many of the seventeen essays are, to my mind, valuable for their examination of the philosophy of absurdism, death, or existence. These include Fernando Zapata's simple but elegant contribution, "Mr. Bad Exemplar" (43-52), as well as virtually every entry from "On Being a Werewolf" by Christophe Porot and Lucie Tardy (73-82) to the epilo
"Many of the seventeen essays are, to my mind, valuable for their examination of the philosophy of absurdism, death, or existence. These include Fernando Zapata's simple but elegant contribution, "Mr. Bad Exemplar" (43-52), as well as virtually every entry from "On Being a Werewolf" by Christophe Porot and Lucie Tardy (73-82) to the epilogue by the editor, John MacKinnon (211-24). Other memorable essays in this group include... Thomas Malewitz's
"There's Always Room for a Goon in the Life of the Absurd" (175-84)."
- J. Schlachter, Review of Warren Zevon and Philosophy: Beyond Retile Wisdom." Teaching Philosophy 47.2, June 2024.
"The final two chapters of the book offer explicit, narrowed-in examples of what it may look like to apply these sociocultural considerations to specific
interventions. The contribution by Pacheco and Malewitz exemplifies culturally responsive teaching and uses Latino literature to address themes of
isolationism immigrant students often fac
"The final two chapters of the book offer explicit, narrowed-in examples of what it may look like to apply these sociocultural considerations to specific
interventions. The contribution by Pacheco and Malewitz exemplifies culturally responsive teaching and uses Latino literature to address themes of
isolationism immigrant students often face."
- C. Samuelson, Review of Promoting motivation and learning in contexts:
Sociocultural perspectives on educational interventions by G. A. D. Liem & D. M. McInerney
(Eds.). Education Review, 29, 2022.
"As a psychotherapist who spend my days helping repair the ways in which we suffer across the lifespan due to the ways in which our trajectories are impacted during adolescence, I sincerely believe that this is a book that could change the world one person at a time and will be of great value to anyone touched by the wisdom and vision con
"As a psychotherapist who spend my days helping repair the ways in which we suffer across the lifespan due to the ways in which our trajectories are impacted during adolescence, I sincerely believe that this is a book that could change the world one person at a time and will be of great value to anyone touched by the wisdom and vision contained within its pages."
- T. Caldwell, Merton Annual 34 (2021), 242-245.
"In my mind, I had this image of Thomas Merton, the monk,quietly and contentedly cloistered in his hermitage where he reflected on the world, church and social justice. Malewitz’s book introduced me to another side of Merton—a passionate man, seeking authenticity, leading others to authenticity, advocating for others and open to doubts.
"In my mind, I had this image of Thomas Merton, the monk,quietly and contentedly cloistered in his hermitage where he reflected on the world, church and social justice. Malewitz’s book introduced me to another side of Merton—a passionate man, seeking authenticity, leading others to authenticity, advocating for others and open to doubts. I particularly loved Malewitz’s selection of quotes."
- P. M. Robertson, Novelist and Speaker, Blog (March 11, 2021)
"Adolescents go through that experience just like adults do... They reflect on the “meaning of life” and the “role of God” in their lives and ponder what the church teaches… It’s where transformation and conversion happens. In the book you see Tom (Malewitz) focusing on those two aspects,” said [the director of the Archdiocese of Louisvi
"Adolescents go through that experience just like adults do... They reflect on the “meaning of life” and the “role of God” in their lives and ponder what the church teaches… It’s where transformation and conversion happens. In the book you see Tom (Malewitz) focusing on those two aspects,” said [the director of the Archdiocese of Louisville’s Office of Faith formation]
- R. Thomas, "New book seeks to help adults understand adolescent spirituality" The Record (Sept. 16, 2020)
Thomas Malewitz