Tom has led over 125 professional presentations, including scholarly papers and workshops at the College English Association, International Thomas Merton Society, and National Catholic Education Association conferences. He serves as a consistent presenter for ministry formation with the Archdiocese of Louisville and St. Meinrad School of Theology.
Tom has a B.A. with majors in Mathematics and Philosophy (Eastern Michigan Univ.); B.Phil. (Sacred Heart Major Seminary); M.T.S. and Grad. Cert. in Scripture (St. Meinrad School of Theology); and Ph.D. in Education and Social Change (Bellarmine Univ.)
Beyond serving as faculty in the College of Education and the Director of the Ed.D.: Leadership program at Spalding University, Tom has also served as an adjunct lecturer at: Brescia University, Bellarmine University, and Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. He has also served as a work-for-hire consultant for Ave Maria Press for secondary theology textbook assessments and rubrics.
- 3/22 - Workshop: Faith and Science, Archdiocese of Louisville Ministry Formation (co-presenting with: A. Zoeller)
- 3/24 - Workshop: Thomas Merton and Pope Francis, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, Louisville, KY
- 3/25 - Guest lecture: Lenses of Philosophy of Education, Spalding University
- 3/27-3/29 - College English Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA
- 4/28 - Workshop: Christus Vivit: Pope Francis and Young People, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, Louisville, KY
- 6/3 - Workshop: Introduction to Scripture, Archdiocese of Louisville Summer Institute
- 6/3 - Workshop: Women of Faith in the Old Testament, Archdiocese of Louisville Summer Institute (co-presenting with: A. Zoeller)
- 6/10 - Workshop: The Advocate: Exploring the Role of the Holy Spirit in the Church and Our Lives, Archdiocese of Louisville Summer Institute
- 6/10 - Workshop: Pilgrims of Hope: Embracing Reconciliation and Forgiveness in a Year of Jubilee, Archdiocese of Louisville Summer Institute
- 7/11-7/13 - Retreat: Diocese of Owensboro Catechists, Whitesville, KY
- 7/22 - Workshop: Introduction to Scripture, Archdiocese of Louisville Summer Institute
- 7/22 - Workshop: Women of Faith in the New Testament, Archdiocese of Louisville Summer Institute
Truth and Reconciliation: Exploring Servant Leadership within Divided Nations
Art as the voice of authentic human resistance in an era of algorithms: Revisiting Thomas Merton's Message to Poets and Answers on Art and Freedom
Life in the body of Christ: Models of the Church
Emerging with Grace: Exploring a Post-Pandemic Pastoral Ministry and Spirituality of Hope
o Academic Writing & Leadership Theory
o Identifying and Analyzing Organizational Issues
o (Co-taught) Leadership Seminar: Ed.D. Capstone 1
o (Co-taught) Leadership Seminar: Ed.D. Capstone 2
o (Co-taught) Research Methodology and Problem Solving
o (Guest Lecture) Qualitative Methodologies
o Adolescent Spirituality
o Becoming a Religious Educator
o Evangelization and Catechesis
o Introduction to Youth Ministry
o (Guest Lecture) A.I., Education, and Philosophy
o (Guest Lecture) Philosophy of Education
o (Guest Lecture) Storytelling and Learner Diversity
o Christian Marriage & Family
o The Church
o Faith & Justice
o Introduction to the Catholic Liturgy
o Introduction to the New Testament
o Introduction to the Old Testament
o Ultimate Questions
o (Guest Lecture) Storytelling through Original Musical Composition
o Christian Scriptures
o Christology
o The Church
o Hebrew Scriptures
o Philosophy
o Sacraments
o Statistics
2020 - Experience, the Art of Human Encounter: Eisner, Pedagogy, and a Response to Bullying [paper]. San Francisco, CA. adapted to virtual access due to COVID-19.
2025 - Thomas Merton's novel My Argument with the Gestapo as an example of early North American magical realism: A confluence of surrealism and traumatic imagination [paper]. Philadelphia, PA.
2024 - Art as the voice of authentic human resistance in an era of algorithms: Revisiting Thomas Merton's Message to Poets and Answers on Art and Freedom [paper]. Atlanta, GA.
2022 - A nonviolent response to tragedy: Learning from the 16th Street Bombing through the lens of King and Merton [paper]. Birmingham, AL.
2023 - My Argument with the Gestapo: Exploring Merton’s traumatic and imaginative narrative through the lens of magical realism [paper]. St. Mary’s College Notre Dame, IN.
2021 - Secret Path – Using poetry as a catalyst for reconciliation in response to national tragedy [workshop]. Virtual.
2019 - No one is an island: Experiences of using themes from the writings of Thomas Merton as a response to adolescent bullying in a Catholic school [paper]. Santa Clara University, CA.
2018 - From heart to missionary zeal: Using language and lessons from athletics to aid adolescent catechesis in the New Evangelization [workshop]. Cincinnati, OH. co-presenter: A. Zoeller
2017 - Media literacy & Scriptural exegesis: Essential skills for 21st century religious educators [workshop]. St. Louis, MO. co-presenter: A. Zoeller
An essential component for authentic catechesis is to include real-life, pertinent, and culturally relevant examples within the theology course activities (Catechesi Tradendae, 1979; Instrumentum Laboris, 2012; Evangelii Gaudium, 2013). Jesus exemplified this by teaching through parables to relate to his audience...
Helping students engage and remember Church history can be very overwhelming and is often abstract. The following cards offer a quick template that can assist students to quickly label, compare, and contrast specific factors of heresies, schisms, and various creeds that differ from the tenets of Roman Catholicism...
Racism is a deeply embedded and terrible part of the American consciousness. Since its inception the Americas have been plagued by the commodity of objectifying other human beings, buying and selling them for a price. It is essential to reclaim and acknowledge the dignity of the human person in the midst of aggression and violence that continue today.
During his 2015 address to Congress, Pope Francis spoke of four great Americans that stood as witnesses of the dignity of the human person and advocated for social justice for all: Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton...
Although icons are often associated with the Eastern Church, the rich history and spirituality of these sacred images can help students better understand abstract theological concepts. It should not be forgotten that art helps develop cognitive and analytical skills in student development (Eisner, The Arts and the Creation of Mind, 2002)...
Thomas Malewitz